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WWE Elimination Chamber 2020: Reviewed
HELLO AND WELCOME to WWE Elimination Chamber from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Did you know it’s always sunny here, even at night? Madness. How do they sleep?
My name is Mike, and I’ll be doing the written equivalent of live-reacting to the show since I’m about to watch it, start to finish, for the first time. I’m settled down, strapped in and snacked up, so with that said, let’s get cracking into the kickoff show!
Kickoff Show: Viking Raiders vs. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder
Tag Team Match
Ooh, the Viking War Experience! I’d almost forgotten they existed. I didn’t know this match was coming, so unless I’ve missed an announcement, this is a nice surprise. I’m going to go ahead and expect the Viking Raiders to destroy Ryder and Hawkins, a team who have been together long enough now that they really should have a proper name. They’re both from New York, so there has to be something in there. The Kings of Queens? Manhattan Massive? Long Island Largesse?! Okay, fine, it’s harder than it sounds.
My prediction: Viking Raiders
The commentators note that Ryder & Hawkins were mega losers (add that to the name idea list) right up until last year’s Wrestlemania, when they suddenly went on a winning streak and won the Raw tag titles at the show of shows. For a moment…